The beta I published two days ago was a little too raw... but you know:
they're called beta and not final releases for a reason ;-)
Anyway, in the latest two days I completed integration of UHCTools (which needed proper execution attributes on the older beta) and introduced a new interesting option which lets user choose the default GUI philosophy right after installation: either a classic, AmigaOS 3.1-inspired old workbench based on Wanderer, or the default Icaros 2.2 modern interface, with all the bells and whistles made possible with Dopus5 Magellan.
In the above screenshot, you can see a 'mix': the classic Amiga interface with the additon of AmiStart. The classic GUI, in fact, really tries to be as much basic as possible, disabling the AROS decoration system and configuring Wanderer to open a new window for every drawer, showing only icons by default and avoiding to use any background image (you can obviously modify all these settings with the traditional Preferences programs, of course).
Here is the complete list of modifications so far from version 2.2.3. Since it is the Light edition, only these ones are available:
* fixed OpenURL preferences to correctly forward URLs to OWB
* updated FIG datatype
* added INFO (Amiga icons) datatype
* added Targa (TGA) datatype
* replaced AROS installer with InstallerLG on both i386 and 68K
* added UHCTools
* updated ZuneView
* updated ZunePaint
* added ICO (Windows icons) datatype
* replaced SysMon with SysMon-XPT, which shows CPU-time too
Supporters on Patreon can also see the complete list of new features being added.
> Download link on Patreon
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Oct 19, 2018
Another Icaros 2.2.4 Light preview for supporters available on Patreon
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About Paolo Besser
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Author Details
Paolo Besser is a long time Commodore fan and Amiga user. He joined the AROS project some time around year 2001 and started its main distribution in 2007. He's a IT technician, journalist and a VMware system administrator.