I didn't write anything fancy for a while, so it's time to add some news here. This time, I will talk about next Icaros' installation. As you may know, this procedure is based on two souls: AROS' InstallAROS tool and Icaros' own Post-Install-Script. The former creates partitions, copies all AROS and Icaros stuff onto the hard drive and install boot loader. The latter unpacks Icaros Extras and Development stuff, creates needed environment variables and MyWorkspace drawers. Starting with v2.0, Icaros Desktop allowed two kinds of installation, the full one and the custom one, with the second allowing users to choose what 'packages' install or not. Well, this procedure will be improved a little bit in the next release, since a new "Default Installation" option will be added to the existing ones. This new option will let you save some time, skipping
very optional packages like Ken Lester's icons repository, AISS (a new addition), additional wallpapers and others. Moreover, some procedures will be automated. For instance, people not installing SYS:Development stuff won't get Extras:Development too by default, unless they decide to install it anyway with the custom installation option.