- Icaros Desktop look & feel (but no AmiStart)
- pciusb.device compiled with debug level 5 enabled
- more programs inside (but minus than in Icaros Desktop Live!)
- all you need to communicate over the Internet, including OWB, SimpleMail and WookieChat
- some debug logs created at startup
Please remember this version of AROS is intended for bug report and mantainance only. You can install it onto your hard drive if you wish, but don't expect it to be a good Icaros Desktop replacement.
ICAROS USERS WARNING! This isn't a Icaros update disc, but a standalone gadget. Do NOT use this release with LiveUpdater, or you'll mess up your current Icaros 1.1.x installation! Icaros users that already got the Poseidon Test update 1 should just download pciusb.device and unzip it into SYS:Devs/USBhardware. |
> Download Poseidon Test build ISO #3 from Mirror 1 (100 MB, 7z file format)
if you have problems downloading this, try with right click -> save target as...
> Download 7-zip for your operating system
1. At startup you'll find a shell. Please press enter and, when you'll notice it has apparently frozen, just minimize it and forget about it. You'll need it later.
2. Connect something to your computer. Trident will be already in execution and you'll see some popups regarding them. Connect whatever you like, but please try to remember what you have connnected.
3. When you're finished testing, activate the initial shell and press Ctrl+C
4. Open your RAM Drive icon, you'll notice a DEBUG drawer with a pair of files into it. If you find only one, you've done something wrong in point 1 or 3.
5. Open Trident in Prefs and save all messages (Errors.log) in RAM:DEBUG as well.
6. Open a shell and give these commands. They will help us understand what devices are attached to your system.
PsdDevLister >psddevlist.txt
7. Open OWB and connect to AROS-EXEC. Look for this thread and reply.
8. Write in your exact configuration: computer model, motherboard used, USB controller name. This last information can be found using AROS' PCI Tool. Tell us what kind of device you have tested.
9. Copy and past the contents of the 4 files. Please use the [quote] [/quote] tag for each of them, in order to have them visually separed and to avoid confusion.
NOTE: since the sashimi log might be REALLY HUGE (many megabytes), you need to follow the alternate method, if you can, to submit it. Read further.
10. If you have more than a single issue, please make a different report for each of them.
If you can access a USB mass storage device, please copy the DEBUG drawer onto it. It will take much time: due to actual issues in fat.handler, writing to a FAT device might require from 30 to 60 minutes to complete! You can speed up time this way
a1. Open a shell
a2. Type in:
cd RAM:
tar cvfz usbtest.tgz DEBUG
a3. Choose CANCEL when prompted for PROC: drive.
a4. copy the usbtest.tgz file to the USB device, or maybe send it on some free-space file sharing services on the web, like wikifortio or megaupload.
If you have installed this custom build of AROS on the hard drive, remember you have the same file sharing capabilities of Icaros Desktop. So you can move all files to pub: and use a ftp client from any other machine to get them from tour AROS computer. In order to read correctly the files on Windows, you must open them with the Wordpad. Notepad won't work for you and you'll mess up all line breaks.