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Apr 9, 2008

Thank you!

First of all, I would really thank everyone for coming here. I got over 4,000 visitors since VmwAROS 0.7 has been released, and this happened only 48 hours ago. I would really thank the nice people at, and anyone that helped spreading the news all over the world, in many Amiga and alternative-OSes related websites and newsgroups. VmwAROS has been received with enthusiasm and I'm really proud and happy for this. Let me quote Nicolaos on «This is what AROS needs to get more users. This is what users want». This is exactly what I had in mind when I started this VmwAROS adventure some month ago, and this will be the direction I'll keep in the next months with further releases. I'm also really happy that VmwAROS actually fit some need: just look at the photo on the top left, it's Craid's AROS A600 project. Practically, a VIA Epia CN-1000 powered AROS box, fitting in the shell of a dismissed Amiga 600. Well done, Craid. I'm happy I could help you!

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