We're happy to announce that a new nice update for Icaros Desktop is now available for download. This version introduces all the enhancements that v2.0.2 should have added some days ago, but unluckily didn't (due to some changes in AROS I wasn't aware of - Paolo). Once again, system files have been brought to Jan 6 nightly build (with all the fixes introduced by Deadwood in AROS ABIv0), including changes to workbench themeing system and locale library. We've now fixed localization (which stopped working with update 2.0.2) and themes, whose structure has changed a little in the meanwhile (the 'revert' image that was originally included in a subdirectory, has been moved to its parent directory and renamed to 'DirUp', and this for every given theme in the distribution). Update 2.0.3 now reflects these changes and themes work again as expected. This means that Wanderer's "Parent" (or "go back", or "dir up" as you wish to call it) button is now working again, not only on X86 but even on 68K Wanderer, where it disappeared since v2.0.0. Italian users will be happy to find italian catalog files for DOpus 5: unluckily they are from 5.60 era and a little incomplete for current v 5.90 version, but they cover almost every menu option and button panel. Fans of YouTube.com won't be able to play videos from OWB yet, but with the inclusion of YouTube Center, at least, they will be able to download videos and play them with MPlayer. We've also fixed a couple of bugs which were reported by our users on AROS-EXEC: Magellan should now handle Windows Media files correctly (opening them with MPlayer) and BOCHS launch scripts for freedos and linux are now running again.
New from Icaros Desktop 2.0.1
- fixed missing locale from update 2.0.2
- fixed missing images in themes from update 2.0.2
+ this also fixes the parent button not showing in 68K Wanderer
- fixed BOCHS scripts for freedos and linux
- added italian locale for DOpus 5 Magellan
- AROS core system files from Jan 6, 2015
- Updated Protrekkr to latest version
- Updated HarmonyPlayer to latest version
- DOpus 5 can now open Windows Media Files with MPlayer
- Added YouTubeCenter to OWB scripts
+ enable it from Scripts option to download YouTube videos!
- removed offending themes that previously crashed AROS
Icaros Desktop 2.0.3 is available in all usual flavours: the whole Live! and Light ISO versions (for new installations) and as update package for pre-existing installations of Icaros Desktop 2.0.1 or 2.0.2.
To install it on Icaros Desktop 2.0, you will need to correctly update to v2.0.1 first (using LiveUpdater v1.8a).
To update Icaros Desktop 2.0.1 or 2.0.2 to 2.0.3 from a Internet-connected machine, please run LiveUpdater on your Icaros PC and choose the 'Internet' option. The package will be downloaded and installed automatically. Otherwise, you may choose to download the package from Icaros' downloads page and move the file onto your Icaros installation. In this case, please use LiveUpdater's 'File' option to locate the update package archive.
For new installations, on a blank hard drive, please use ISO files provided in Live! and Light editions. Live! edition includes a huge collection of 3rd party applications, games and demos, and provides the complete AROS SDK for software development. Light edition, on the other hand, includes bare system files with mandatory Icaros applications only.
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Jan 30, 2015
Dopus 5
Icaros Desktop 2.0.3 now available for download
Icaros Desktop 2.0.3 now available for download
Dopus 5#
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About Paolo Besser
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Author Details
Paolo Besser is a long time Commodore fan and Amiga user. He joined the AROS project some time around year 2001 and started its main distribution in 2007. He's a IT technician, journalist and a VMware system administrator.