It's been a while since our last site update, so maybe it's time to share some news about latest developments. The good news are that our beta testers and developers already got two RC releases and, just a few minutes before writing this post, an important update for the integrated M68K environment. Please enlarge the screenshot on the corner and you'll notice some interesting facts about its contents. First of all, there's DirectoryOpus 5 open on the screen, and this shouldn't be a surprise. What's new, however, is that's running on AROS M68K, as the "about" window on the right suggests. We'll not replicate the whole file management stuff we made for x86, but at least you'll find the same toolbars also when running the Amiga environment. And, since we were at it, we've updated all AROS system files to oct. 7th nightly build, and added DirectoryOpus 4 for Amiga as well. Our goal, in a nutshell, was making life a little easier under the 68K side of Icaros, even if our main focus will always be the x86 one. Another little great improvement we made (well, Deadwood made...) has been fixing that damn old issue with AROS x86 crashing, or reporting ugly errors, when trying to run 68K software without starting Janus-UAE before. This bug has gone, hopefully, forever, and now AROS will just gracefully do nothing when no emulator is up.
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Oct 7, 2014
Some love the M68K environment deserved
Dopus 5#
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About Paolo Besser
Dopus 5
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Paolo Besser is a long time Commodore fan and Amiga user. He joined the AROS project some time around year 2001 and started its main distribution in 2007. He's a IT technician, journalist and a VMware system administrator.