Let me introduce to you AmiBridge, the new feature I've just added to VmwAROS (and that will be included in the next release). AmiBridge is a simple, but powerful script that allows running multiple istance of E-UAE, launching only the bare AmigaOS system files and the program you need, without the overhead of the whole Workbench. You choose the app you want to launch from AROS, and AmiBridge creates all necessary files: click on the icon and you'll be ready. Here is an explanatory video, enjoy!
AmiBridge from paolo besser on Vimeo.
> Download video (full quality, 800x600 pixel, 7 MB Xvid format).
Obviously, this is not the "UAE integration" many AROS users are aiming to, since it needs the original Amiga ROM and system files to work (which will obviously not provided with VmwAROS, and don't ask me for them! I won't ever answer), but it should be enough for most Amiga fellows. If you're looking for legal Amiga system files, please buy Amiga Forever from Cloanto. AmiBridge is currently set to directly support Amiga Forever files.