A new patch for Icaros Desktop 1.4.5 is now available for download. It will update AROS kernel, system files and drivers to August 20th nightly build (even if the About program won't reflect all changes), but most important it will enable some really exciting new features:
FastConfig completes the job of publicly available
saveconfig and
loadconfig scripts. It's a tool which allows user to backup and restore the system settings included in
Envarc:, basically the ones chosen when you click on "
Save" in preference programs. The main goal of
FastConfig is saving hardware related settings: network and audio mainly, while the use can add also other aspects like
ScreenMode and
IControl with a
Custom backup option.
FastConfig lets you enter Icaros history by providing hardware settings for brandized computers: do you have a laptop? or a brandized PC model? well, if it supports AROS and your settings can work on other computers like yours,
please send us your settings (no personal data will be taken, if you follow instructions) and they will be included in next Icaros releases.
FastConfig can be used also for personal backups of the whole Envarc: directory. It's useful for people who often change icons and settings, and would prefer them to survive to Icaros updates. Just backup with the "Full" option, and you're done.
Notice: FastConfig
won't save anything outside the boundaries of Envarc:, so any foreign setting will be ignored.
Startup Sound
Another missing feature of AROS has found its way to Icaros, with a simple - but working - selection script in Prefs, which will let you choose a MP3 to start your system with. To enable system boot sound just go to
Prefs and run
Startup Sound. You will be prompted with current selection and you'll be able to choose another jingle. We've also added two amazing and professionally made startup sound from musician
Stuart Duffield. If you wish to find the others from the same author, go to
soundsnap.com and get a subscription!
NoWinEd 0.83
The wonderful text editor from Gianfranco "ShInKurO" Gignina has been brought to latest version. All mandatory zune classes and libraries have been included and updated as well.
To install the patch, please download it with your browser or stick it in a USB pendrive, then use Icaros' LiveUpdater program to install it. Users of Icaros Desktop 1.4.5 can install patch 02 directly on a fresh installation: patch 01 files are included and updated by this patch, so
installing patch 01 is not needed at all.
Although system stability should improve after applying this patch, Icaros has still some road to do before being perfect. VMware users should be happy to see that warm reboots are now working. Unluckily, a blank grey screen may appear afterwards. To work around this, please proceed with a cold reboot.