We are really proud to announce that Jörg Winterstein
, aka Eiswuxe
, has just granted us the permission to include with Icaros Desktop his game Hurrican
, a wonderful remake of the superb Amiga and C64 classic Turrican: "its great to hear that you like hurrican and want to include it in your distribution - Jörg commented - We would be glad if you would do this. Hurrican was a lot of work, and the more people are able to see it, the better!". Hurrican will be part of next release of Icaros Desktop Live! (Light version won't include it, for space reasons), and will include both original game data files and AROS executable from
Georg Steger.
Turrican (1989) is a technically amazing, full action platform and shooter game created by
Manfred Trenz for the Commodore 64. Published by german based company Rainbow Arts, it got a superb conversion for the Amiga platform by Factor 5 and the great sequel Turrican II, which is still considered one of the best games ever.
Hurrican remake from
Jörg Winterstein has won the second place of the 3rd
Indie Game Showcase contest, and has been mentined on dozens of websites and game magazines. It's still considered one of the best platformer and action games in the Indie zone.