New from Icaros Desktop 1.2.3
- Added MegaMario and other 3D-accelerated games
- Added OpenUniverse, LoView, Annotate, LodePaint to applications
- Updated YAM, NowinED, ProTrekkr, AmiFIG, YTDM and others to the latest version
- YTDM now cheks Live-CD mode to avoid running from read only media
- Updated system files to Sept. 27th 2010
- Fixed a bug that crashed Wanderer showing some kind of icons
- Fixed a bug that prevented PS/2 mice scroll-wheel from working
- Updated AmiBridge and LUPD scripts to newer shell behavior
- Added history and text scroll bar to shell window
- Enhanced Wanderer list view
- Added new keyboard shortcuts to make life easier:
Alt+Home: toggle window size
Alt+Up/Down: enlarge/shrink window
lAROS+M/TAB: switch screens
lAROS+F1: open manuals drawer
lAROS+F2: open prefs
lAROS+F3: run HFinder to search for files and folders
lAROS+Esc: run Scout to manage windows, tasks, processes and resources
- Added diskimage.device to handle virtual media
- Added AROS port of MAME with launcher
- Updated 3rd party libriaries and Zune classes
- Updated OWB to latest build (1.02, even if it still shows 1.0)
- Modified Icontrol prefs to stick menus by default (better for laptops)
- Better Nvidia support: ION 2D and 3D graphics now supported by Nouveau drivers
- updated HDAudio drivers
- updated Intel GMA9xx drivers
- added sound to XRick and lBreakout
- added Kotler's icons for OWB, ArosPDF and MPlayer
- added new RTL8139 driver that doubles download speed
Please notice the above specifications are fully true for Icaros Desktop Live! only. Due to inferior size of the targed media, Icaros Desktop Light is missing of some games and applications.
Icaros Desktop 1.2.4 Update Disc can be downloaded from Icaros' Download Center, and it must be installed using the LiveUpdater application (included in sys:Tools/LUPD drawer). For better reliability, we warmly suggest to burn the resulting ISO onto a rewritable CD media, since the installation from ISO may give problems at the moment. So that's the best way to go:
1. Download the Update Disc
2. Extract the ISO contained in the .tar.gz (.tgz) archive
3. burn the ISO on a CD-R(W)
4. boot your Icaros system
5. mount the CD-R and launch LiveUpdater
6. wait for the files to be copied
7. extract the CD-R when prompted to do so, and reboot your system
Please don't use "Internet" or "ISO" options in LiveUpdater! Another way to install the update can be this one (which basically mimics what the ISO option would do):
1. Download the Update Disc inside AROS
2. extract on a temporary directory under a shell
untgz Icaros_UpdateCD_123-124.tgz
3. copy the resulting ISO as Unit0 for the fdsk virtual device:
copy aros-pc-i386.iso TO sys:DiskImages/Unit0
4. mount it as virtual cd-rom
mount cd0:
5. start LiveUpdater and choose the "CDROM" option.