VmwAROS needs sound support, and this is mandatory. During these months I have collected, placed and configured lots of games and applications which would be extremely more brilliant if only AROS could enable sound under VMware. I used some of my rather scarce free time to get documentation about this subject and you can imagine my surprise, when I found that
Ensoniq Corporation's ES1371 sound chip is
already supported by AHI, at least on some (
other) Amiga systems. I simply can't understand why it shouldn't on AROS too.
Supporting this audio chip would enable sound in VmwAROS, but also on any motherboard or audio card still using this piece of hardware. I don't know what is the licensing status of ES137x driver, whether if its source is avaiable or not, however this is both an appeal to the author for porting it to AROS (or at least to allow someone else to do this), and to everyone using VmwAROS being satisfied with it: I'm starting a new bounty for this, please donate to it.
TeamAROS Bounty #72, Sound Support in VMware