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Feb 2, 2017

New site!

Welcome back to Icaros Desktop's official website. After some years with the old black/grey theme, we felt the need of a complete refresh, more similar to Icaros Desktop 2.2 colour scheme. This time, we adopted and adapted a great template from Sora Templates called Automax, which has been originally aimed to cars and automotive-related sistes, but, as we're demonstrating, can be easily adapted to many different subjects. We are not using all of its features yet, but give us a little more time, and our site will be fancier than ever! The template is available for free, but we encourage people using it to buy their license like we did (after all, it costs less than 7 dollars!). Useful projects deserve to be supported with registrations and donations (hey! what a curious circumstance: we have a donation button as well!).

Nothing in site's contents have changed, however we feel we have "improved on it in many areas" (these words should remind you about something...). It's easier to read, thanks to its bigger fonts, bigger images, and better organized on the left. We have also included a better "like us on Facebook" box and, for the first time, a brief index of last posts in Icaros' forum on And it is, definitely, more modern. So welcome back to Icaros Desktop's little house on the Internet, and enjoy our AROS distribution!