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May 21, 2022

Fix audio on current VMware virtual machines

You might have noticed that listening to audio under latest releases of VMware can be difficult, and that following instructions on the user manual will not bring the desired result. Well, it seems that some changes occurred in the way current version of VMware Player (and maybe Workstation too) creates virtual machines suitable to MS/DOS and other generic operating systems, in particular the old SB128 virtual device has been replaced by another one, which unfortunately seems to be unsupported by Icaros Desktop. So, if Icaros insists into using the VOID device instead of the correct one, please do what follows:

1. make a backup copy of your Icaros machine's vmx file (and call it, for instance, icarosmachine.bck)

2. when your virtual machine is powered OFF, open its vmx file in a text editor

3. find the following lines:

sound.autoDetect = "TRUE"
sound.virtualDev = "sb16"
sound.present = "TRUE"

4. replace them with:

sound.autoDetect = "TRUE"
sound.fileName = "-1"
sound.present = "TRUE"

5. power on your Icaros virtual machine, go to Prefs/AHI and check for it loading Ross Vumbaca's AHI/ driver, like in the following screenshot:

6. play a test sound if you wish and Save settings. Enjoy Icaros Desktop sound again!

(you might need to delete your current AHI.prefs file in envarc: to makle it work)